#1 SECRET You Need To Have A Profitable Bridal Business

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2022
I went to beauty school and all I got was makeup and some photos for my portfolio, said every makeup artist!
I hate to break it to you, but if you want to get paid doing what you love, only 20% is your artistry. 80% is your marketing.
Let's face it! The word marketing is NOT SEXY! When I first started out, that word kind of scared me because I honestly had no clue what it really meant, and was afraid if I learned, I would fail.
Almost 15 years, later, I have mastered the art of marketing to run a multiple 6 figure business and teaching and watching my clients have so much success with my marketing formula!!!!
In this weeks podcast, special guest, Suzanne Minskey, with the Bridal Biz Collective, and I break down marketing and what beginners need to know- NOW!
Your marketing is the key to:
  • Stop attracting bargain brides and price shoppers.
  • Stop getting ghosted.
  • Start turning more inquiries to "yes send me the contract!"
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How To Get Brides To Pay A Higher Rate & Book Quickly!

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2022

I want to tell you a hard truth....

Your bride does not care about your price. 

Your bride will book based on the value and client experience you take her through in your marketing journey.

In this weeks episode, we are going to dive into the key elements that will get your ideal bride to know you, trust you and book you at your higher rates. Let's go!



Brianna Michelle

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How To Price Your Rates for Wedding Professionals

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2022
A full makeup kit- check!
Makeup artistry education- check!
Clients- check!
......I only wished it was this simple. I had NO CLUE, when I started my bridal beauty business how to START AND HAVE A BUSINESS!
While working my 9-5, which wasn't even a 9-5. It was retail job hours standing long nights behind the makeup counter. I would work my little bridal business, to try and make connections in my free time. Networking, doing styled shoots, and just trying to get clients!
About 6 years in..... going back and forth with one foot in and one foot out, still getting nowhere. On a good month, I would maybe make $1000.
I realized there HAD TO BE ANOTHER WAY!
In 2013, I finally pulled the trigger....and......actually put both feet in and started to look at my business, like a business.
I invested in the Knot and Wedding Wire, hired "some guy" from India to build me a website, and we were on our way......
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4 Things That Will Cripple Your Business and Income

Uncategorized Mar 11, 2022

Have you ever wanted to invest in a program and you just couldn't follow through? 

Have you ever wanted to invest in a program and you just couldn't take the leap and pull the trigger? Fear started to set in?

This week we are talking about how to recognize 4 things that, might be crippling your business, right now, and preventing you from building the life and business of your dreams.

Grab a glass of bubbly because this one is super deep! 

Let's go!



Brianna Michelle

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How To Have A Successful Bridal Trial

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2022
One of the ways you can book more clients, and build consistent income, is to learn how to have a successful bridal trial!
I used to dread bridal trials. The fear of judgement would give me total anxiety and would make me feel so uncomfortable when I would "have" to do them.
......and therefore....I wouldn't get booked. My energy was off setting. My lack of confidence, made my client not feel confident in my capabilities.
Your uncertain energy, lack of confidence in yourself and your lack of trial systems and procedures will make it harder to get a booked and secure bridal party appointment.
Here are some helpful tips on how you can create good energy, gain more confidence, and set the expectations going into the appointment so you can get aa confidence "YES" send me the contract.
  1. Get to know your client better.
  2. Get more prepared and create a system and process.
  3. Set expectations.
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How To Build A Clientele FAST....With Former Hairstylist Now Coach Jodie Brown

Uncategorized Mar 04, 2022

Joining us this week we have special guest, Jodie Brown with @itsjodiebrown.

Jodie is a retired stylist turned business and branding coach for beauty pros. Moving around a lot she didn't have the luxury to keep building clientele from clientele.

She shares her experience of how she quantum leaped and built her clientele fast.

In this weeks episode, we are spilling the tea on the magic to accelerate your bridal business QUICKLY!



Brianna Michelle

Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to create the life and business of your dreams.

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How To Pivot Your Business and Still Be Successful!

Uncategorized Mar 01, 2022

I used to love the idea of having a passive income course I could sell when I was not in wedding season servicing my brides.

Making money in my sleep..

Seeing the Pay Pal notifications when I woke up!

Having that money set aside just for my retirement plan.

That is what the game plan was when I started to a soft pivot back in 2017, and exploring what I wanted to create, teach and sell.

You can pivot your business and still be successful!

But you have to take the first step and start somewhere......

Self Made woman is the PROGRAM, I WISH I HAD when I started selling my online courses and programs years ago!!!!

Other coaches,  just don't know our unique wedding industry and this program is designed specifically for the wedding and beauty pro!!!

...and I know you are like ......"how did you pivot to selling online courses and programs and scale so quickly?"



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What I've learned investing $100K Into My Business!

Uncategorized Feb 25, 2022

If you are considering getting support in your business and hiring a coach, you will love this episode.

With $100K invested into my coaching business over the last few years, Ive learned a lot.

In this weeks episode, I am spilling all the details on what you need to know when you are considering investing in a business coach, mentor or an educator in your field.....and I am not holding back.

Ive had some bad coaches, and some really great ones... here is the 411!



Brianna Michelle

Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to create the life and business of your dreams.

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Top 3 Reasons Why Your Online Course Is Not Selling

Uncategorized Feb 22, 2022

You are leaving money on the table without having a launch plan to sell your online courses or products.

Sorry, I said it.

Here’s the thing, have you ever been interested in someone else's online product, but you just were not sure what you were getting and how it was going to "change your life?"

So...you didn't buy it.

Here are the top three reasons your last attempt to sell your online course or product didn't have sell out success:

1.Your audience was not warm enough.

2.Your mindset and energy was not right going into the launch.

3.You didn't have a clear launch plan and strategy. 

Here is what those three things are costing you: MONEY!

There’s never been a better time to start working on your launch plan - which is why I’m so excited to be opening up the waitlist to my signature course, “Self Made Woman”, Learn How to Create and Launch Your Own Online Course To Create Passive Income!!!!!!

This is the program that allows you to become self made....

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Here is what freedom REALLY is!

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2022

For most, people think freedom is paying off debt, being able to have more time, and be able to choose what they want to do when they want to do it.

I used to think freedom was these things too, but I am here to tell you it is an entire different thing and it is a lot easier to tap into when you understand this concept.

In this weeks episode, we dive into "what freedom REALLY is" and how it is a lot easier to obtain and tap into than you think!



Brianna Michelle

Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to create the life and business of your dreams.

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