What To Do When You Feel Stuck in Your Biz!

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022

Want to grow your wedding planning business? Listen to how Jade went from $150 a month to $16K of booked weddings!

If you’re ready to stop treating your business like a hobby and are ready to scale, YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS! Click the link to listen or follow the Brianna Michelle Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts!

One of Atlanta's TOP Wedding Planners, Jade Ladson with J Ladson Weddings, is joining us to share her amazing journey from leaving the corporate world to pursuing her career as a wedding planner.

Having one of those 'what am I doing?' moments, Jade quit her job in the corporate world to pursue being a wedding planner, and moved her family back to Atlanta.

At first, she was treating her business like a hobby, but quickly realized if she wanted to succeed, she needed to start setting boundaries with her clients.

As Jade's business began to grow, she knew she needed to invest more into it to take it to the next level.

In this week’s podcast episode, we will...

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How Marianna Went From $800 months to Consistent $5K Months

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022
The reason I am a business coach is because I get to change lives. I get to empower women, help and assist in dreams coming true and being the vessel for women to believe in themselves, even if they cant believe in themselves, yet.
Meet Marianna. Mom and former bartender, who fell in love with the wedding industry wanting to create a full-time career as a beauty-preneur.

In 2019, she started pursuing her dream further working as a freelancer for another bridal beauty team.

When everything changed in 2020, she took the opportunity to start her own bridal beauty business and RISE UP!

Dreams can come true!

Change can happen.

Revenue goals can be crushed...

...when you decide to get a little uncomfortable.

Listen to her transformation story on the podcast...and find out how the “Booked Out Bridal Business" formula has changed her life!
UPDATE: Since this podcast was recorded, Marianna hit her first 20K month in May of 2021---just six months...
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How Autumn Went From $1200 Months To $12K Months In 1 Month Of Implementing The Formula

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2022

From $1200 months to $8K in 1 MONTH and now hitting $20 and $30K months!! When I met Autumn, she seemed to have everything a business owner needs….a team, a website, and even ads via The Knot and Wedding Wire.

Yet she still couldn't make consistent revenue in her business. 

She didn't have a marketing plan!!!

Her business lacked strategy, website lacked value, and her social presence lacked the know, like and trust factori for her ideal brides to want to book her.

After building out her marketing plan inside Your Booked Out Bridal Business, she brought in $7900 in her first month. Then the second month a little over $8000, and now she hits consistent $15-$20K months. She even hit her first $30K month in October of 2021. She's now onto building wealth and creating more freedom in her life and business. 

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Thinking About Pivoting Your Wedding Business? Read This!

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2022

I honestly couldn't see myself lugging all my equipment from venue to venue in my 40's and definitely not...

in my 50's.

So 2 years ago, I started a soft pivot into something I felt passionate about.....

Teaching others how to build successful 6 figure businesses.

I had planned on working it slowly, then had to make a HARD PIVOT March 2020 when my bridal business was shut down.

I was not ready. (Guess what? You never are.)

I was not showing up consistently, and there were so many things holding me back from putting both feet in my coaching business and taking the next steps.

1.Do I have to be a good sales person?

Nope. You just need to be a helpful person. I show up in a way that always offers helpful tips and it never feels like selling.

2.Is it hard?

Listen, no good thing is ever easy. Remember when you started your wedding business? It's a learning curve for sure, but the fact is...you can make a TON MORE MONEY (HELLO PASSIVE INCOME!) because you are able to serve more people...

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8 Mistakes You Might Be Making With Your Team!

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2022

Top 8 mistakes you might be making with your current bridal team that are costing you!

Here is the 411 on a team. 

If you want to earn more and create consistent income, you can't be a 1 woman show.

You can't have $20K months and consistent bookings without a team and you can't have a team without consistent bookings in order to keep your team working all the time.

The truth is your team is the fuel that will provide you with more…




So if you have a team, but not the $20K months to match, or the loyal team members, you feel 100% comfortable sending out on their own, it might be time to look and see if there are gaps that need to be filled in your systems and processes.

In this episode, we dive into the 8 mistakes you might be making with your current team that are costing you the lifestyle and business of your dreams.



Brianna Michelle

Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to...

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How Reviews Will Make You A Money Magnet

Uncategorized Feb 08, 2022

We all know reviews are important when your are growing your wedding business.

But, I dont think we really understand the magnitude and how they can really be a huge money magnet for consistent income!

Here are 3 reasons why you want to focus on getting reviews and how they do more than just showcase what kind of experience your bride will get if they book you!


  1. Reviews help support your rates. Meaning, when you have a lot of reviews, that holds value in your pricing nada rates. It is also, validation to the potential client.
  2. Specification. When asking for a review, get very specific on what you are asking the client to review you on, so that you are getting the kinds of specific reviews to attract the specific client you want to attract. Having very specific and strong reviews will help you stand apart in a very competitive market.
  3. They will help boost your website up on the algorithm. Yes! If you have your website linked to other...
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How To Know If You Are Ready For A Team!

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2022

Are you turning away brides and wonder if you should start building your own bridal team?

Building a team can be tricky because you can't build a team without the volume in your business to keep the team working,  and you can't have the volume in your business without a team.

In this podcast episode, I help you discover how to recognize when it is time to build a team and what you need to know when it comes to getting started with a team.



Brianna Michelle

Are you ready to start building a team? Join my 6 week program here!

Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to create the life and business of your dreams.

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Uncategorized Feb 01, 2022

December through March can always be a slow time for the wedding business.......so you think.

I used to think this way too,  until I scaled to a 6 figure business!  I learned the kinds of strategic money making activities I needed to incorporate into my wedding business during the slower "non-servicing" season.

So, if you are sitting on your couch right now saying, it's slow, no one books this time of year, you are wrong.

It might be time to look at your website and online business platform to make sure you are actually incorporating money making activities in to your daily routine to capture booking clients this time of year.

Learn my top 5 money making activities for this time of year and catch the FULL PODCAST EPISODE HERE!

Let me introduce you to "booking season" or otherwise known as "engagement season."

This is one of the most critical times of year because if your marketing is done right,  you can capture all the brides that just got engaged over the holidays...

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How To Build A Million Dollar Brand with CEO Caitlin Noseworthy

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2022

This week we have a special guest, CEO Caitlin Noseworthy, joining us to talk about how she went from 5 figures to a million dollar brand in 2 years. 

Starting her first business in her basement while on maternity leave, she used her cricket to build her million dollar empire Saltwater Designs.

Her advice on becoming a millionaire?

MINDSET and learning to work from her gut. 

Hiring a mindset coach helped her to get past several mind blocks that she didn’t even realize she had. Once she got past these blocks she started to quantum leap. 

Deciding to pay for coaching was terrifying, but she knew if she didn’t, she wouldn't get what she wanted out of life. 

>>>>> LISTEN TO FULL EPISODE HERE <<<<< on the exact 3 steps she took to build her empire!


Brianna Michelle

Caitlins online shop: Saltwater Designs

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