Everyone always talks about what to post on your IG that converts, but are you actually doing the things that will attract and get you seen by more ideal dream brides?
You gotta get seen first before we can convert to more weddings!
There are specific things you can do right now on your IG page that will hack the algorithm, and start bringing more ideal brides to your page to get seen!
When i was able to implement these hacks, I had a $40K increase in revenue just with Instagram alone my very first year and now I run a multiple 6 figure business, using these Instagram hacks.
Here are 3 Instagram Hacks:
You're IG bio. Yes there are specific key words you need to have in your IG BIO to attract ideal brides.
Polling! Are you using polls in your stories? This helps engagement!
Reels! Ive doing some experimenting with reels lately and its made a huge impact in my bookings! I will be updating the Instagram course this month, to add an entire module just on hacking reels and understanding how it will increase your booking rate.
Want more? Grab the Bridal Social Suite HERE to get my complete 30 day guide for what to post and say on Instagram that converts into more bridal bookings, plus scripts, posting templates and more!
Brianna Michelle
Follow "The Millionaire Babe Podcast" to create the life and business of your dreams.